Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Free Gift Through September 9th

2-in-1 Lip Tattoo Lip Line & Fill Duo in Rebel Raspberry

There are a lot of great things about Avon, and one of them is the deals, offers, and free gifts you can get for making your purchase. Here are a few of them being offered this week and in Campaign 20!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How Do You Save Money?

If you're like most people, you are always looking for a way to save money. Be it for a vacation, bills, emergency fund, etc. there is always a reason. Some ways to save money are easy to see like don't buy what you don't need, don't eat out all the time, shop sales. Some of them can be time consuming, like clipping coupons and comparing sales. We don't want to go all over the place to get what we want, especially after a long day at work, cleaning, or taking care of the kids (or all 3).

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Which Products Are Right For You?

Now days, there a lot of skin care products out there. Even in Avon, and more are coming every time we turn around. It's hard to figure out which ones will be best for you. It's time consuming and bank breaking to trying them each out until you can find the right ones, and sometimes the wording can be confusing, or we don't want to really ask for someone else's thoughts. How do you figure out what Avon products are right for you without is being so consuming?

Monday, August 12, 2019

My First Week "Back"

Last week flew by for me! Although I didn't get many books out, I did get to touch base with my old customers and get them brochures. I caught up with most of them and learned a lot about what is going on with them lately. While some of them are going through heartbreak and sorrow, I am glad to see that they are doing alright and making it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Avon's Repfest 2019!

Finley the Fox, 2019's Stuffed Animal Fundraiser

In my last post, I mentioned that Repfest was this past weekend. It is a celebration of the achievements for the last year, a learning tool to help better your Avon business, and a great way to meet up with old friends and make new ones in the Avon world. My favorite things last year were meeting new friends, meeting old friends in person for the first time, getting free stuff (who doesn't like free stuff?), and the Product Expo.

Monday, August 5, 2019

One More Time, with Feeling!

Well here I am again. Looks like I've got this writing every couple of months thing down pack lol. As I wrote in my last post, I've been slacking, and continued to do it since then unfortunately. I haven't been able to get my grove on.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

I've Really Been Slacking...

So it's just after midnight on June 1st, and I have finally decided to start blogging again (instead of sleeping obviously). Hubs and I went to the doctor yesterday to do our 3 month diabetes "follow-up", and things went well for him, but not so much for me.

I Suck at This Game...

What game am I talking about? This whole low carbohydrate, cut out the carbs that are my favorite foods to eat game.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Avon's New Glimmershadow Liquid Eyeshadow!

I am the type of person that feels like if I am going to tell you about something, I am going to tell you how I really feel about it or what I have heard about it if I haven't personally tried it. Not only is this true for things like restaurants and stores, but for my Avon business also. There is no reason for me to sugar coat something that will make me look bad when it doesn't turn out for me like I tell you it has. So I have decided it's time to start writing about the Avon products I use as I use them. I don't try everything, but if I like what I see or hear about something, I will try it and tell you all my honest opinion here on my blog. Like it, love it, or hate it, I'm not holding back.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Almost 2 Months Later...

A lot has been going on for us, and a lot hasn't been going on. I've taken a short break from Avon because I was starting to get depressed about it, my anxiety was going through the roof because of my "helper" not listening, and I haven't been able to keep my head straight when it came to it. It's been a couple of months since I posted here or talked on the team Facebook page, but I had to distance myself to get my mind back where I need it to be to do it. I also

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Football, Sales, and Fun!

There is a whole lot going on this weekend! The Rams are taking on the Patriots (GO RAMS!) during Super Bowl 53, there are going to be Super Bowl Parties all over, I am holding a Super Bowl Sale, and since yesterday was February 1st, Avon has some great deals going on for customers and incentives for representatives!