Wednesday, October 24, 2018

What's New Campaign 26, 2018

What a year it has been for Avon, and it seems like they have left the best for last! Most of the kids, jewelry, and gift items will go fast, so don't miss out! Don't forget to fill out this form; text, call, or message me; or let me know what you want when I stop by.

Avon is continuing the Dinosaurs and Unicorn themes for the kids:

These jewelry sets were all designed by special Avon Representatives who got to go to New York City! Each piece has special meaning to each Representative, and represents who they are and what jewelry means to them:

This makeup gift will be a hit with most makeup wearers. There are 77 different shades of eye shadow, blush, lip color, and bronzing blush:

There is always so much to do around the holiday season. Make sure you are pampering yourself with Avon's Skin So Soft products:

Whether you're going out to do something special, or just doing everyday stuff, Avon's makeup is a great choice:

Grab great deals on your fragrance favorites:

Avon's new Hydra Fusion Skincare line will help hydrate your skin throughout the day and for days to come:

Personal health is always important, even when traveling. Grab these vitamin packs that make it easy to take your vitamins with you where ever you go:

This makes the perfect gift to have for the lady in your life, or for that last minute gift you need for someone:

Thank you for checking out What's New in Campaign 26, 2018. Don't forget, you can submit this form; call, text, or message me; or let me know what you want when I come by! I hope you find something you're looking for, and if not, let me know so I can see if I can find it!

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