Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What is it about Avon?

Before I came back to Avon, it had been a couple of years since I had worked. I've worked all kinds of places in my life, but none that I loved quite as much as Avon (but armed security and embroidery were a close 2nd and 3rd). I don't know what it is about this company, but being able to make the friends I have, come out of my hole I've dug for the last 8 years, to help reintroduce Avon to people who haven't seen anything about it in years, and to become the Avon Lady for people who lost theirs for various reasons, has just made me feel like such a different person than I was 11 months ago.

There are a lot of people out there that say that this isn't a real job, you can't make money doing it, or it won't work, period. Their right about the job part, this isn't a real job, it's a real business, that each and every Avon Lady and Man has chosen to take on, to make their own, and to make it what they want it and need it to be. 

You can make money with your own Avon business, but just like any brick and mortar store, it doesn't happen over night, or sometimes even for years. This isn't some get rich quick scheme. This business takes dedication, determination, hard work, and the ability to push yourself forward when everyone else is holding you back. 

When it comes to business, the only reason it doesn't work is because the person lacks the determination to get it done. You have to fight through the hard times, and "ride the wave" of the good times. You can't just hit a rough spot and give up. Some rough spots last a lot longer than others. You still have to have the fight and drive to get through time to make your business, your dreams work.

Personally, I've had and still have a large up-hill battle to fight. My husband says he supports me but doesn't believe you can make money with Avon. A lot of his family has a thing against Avon also. A family member of theirs sold years ago, and she bought way more than she sold. I'll admit, I've bought more than I should have this year. But I haven't been able to do what I've needed to do this year because of all the crap that has happened around this house. It's hard to make money when you go from spending two months making sure the hurt one doesn't hurt themselves more to being cut open and having an extra hole in your gut for 5 freaking months.

I ended up being about half way through my sales goals for the year even though we have gone through all that and so much more. It shows me that I can do it if I put my mind, and can put my self to it. Which is my plan, and since I start my campaigns sooner than most representatives, my new year has already started. 

I don't know exactly what it is about this company, the family atmosphere, or the people in the company that has made me so passionate about my business, but it has. My goal for the year is at least $10,000 in sales. My long term goal, is to prove to those closest to me that it can be done. 

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