Monday, January 28, 2019

A Little Bit of College Hoops, A Little Bit of Avon

Warning: Some foul language.

UK vs. KU

Trying to watch the UK vs. KU basketball game tonight. The boys are doing better, but have a lot more room for improvement. What’s more annoying to me is having to listen to Jay Bilas all game. There is 13:10 to go in the second half, and I am so tired of him talking down about UK, well… tired of hearing him speak at all. I would so rather listen to Dicky V. Dicky may be annoying, but at least he’s honest about both teams.

One thing I have noticed is that the referees are calling stuff more fairly than usual. Normally I would have completely bitched them out a dozen times by now, but it’s been a rare, honest game. Almost scary.


Today is a slow Avon day and tomorrow will be even slower. It took me almost two hours this morning to write today’s social media posts, and another hour to get tomorrow’s ready so I don’t have to worry about them.

I’m really impressed with how much my Instagram has been blowing up the last few days. I’m now up to over 660 followers (as of right before writing this Saturday night) which is over 100 new followers in the since Wednesday. I don’t know what I’m doing (maybe it’s all the hashtags) but I hope it keeps working.

I was talking to Jessica yesterday, and I committed myself to thank 5 new followers, people who commented, or likes each day. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking when I told her that. It is so hard for me to talk to individuals on social media. I feel like I’m bothering them or am going to say something stupid or am not going to be welcomed to talk to them. I got my generalized thank you ready, have gone to send it several times yesterday and today and have stopped.

I also committed to getting 10 brochures out a day three different days next week. Monday will be easy because I need to drop off at most of the businesses. Wednesday and Friday I think I’m either going to have to find more businesses or dig deep and talk to random strangers. Not comfortable with that either. I do wish I could bury these senseless fears, but right now they are running rapid.

While I am writing this Saturday night, you may not see it until Tuesday or Wednesday. I finally figured out how to write my posts without having to stress about links, labels, and all that fun blog stuff immediately. This will mean I will be writing a whole lot more and scheduling posts so I don’t dump a whole lot of posts at once.

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