Monday, November 26, 2018

Have you heard about Avon Fundraising?

Fundraising is a vital activity of all groups and organizations. Whether you're a football team, cheerleaders, a church, an at risk program, or any number of other groups you could be, you have to raise money one way or another. If you haven't heard of Avon fundraisers, sit back and relax, because I'm going to do my best to explain. If there is something I don't cover, or you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.

Avon's Online Fundraisers

Avon has recently introduced their new online fundraisers. No matter where in the United States you are, I can help your group raise the money you need for a trip, equipment, or just everyday expenses. The best part of it is, there isn't much work for your or I to do with an online fundraiser! I get some information from you, create a website for your group's fundraiser, your participants give out the website, and you all receive the money after it's over with. That's it! There are no orders to sort and count, the products are shipped directly to the customers. There is no money to sort through, deposit, checks to deal with, or not accepting credit/debit cards, Avon handles every bit of that. Avon has created a great, and one of the easiest ways to fundraise! Oh, and your customers will get to purchase most of the products we carry in

Flyer Fundraisers

Avon's Flyer Fundraisers are a little more difficult, but just as good as an online fundraiser. Unfortunately, I have to limit my availability for these to local groups (within 50 miles of Richmond, Kentucky), but that is simply because there is a lot more work that has to be done on the part of me and the organization. After we get all the information straight (including dates, which flyer, how many participants, etc.), we get the flyers for the participants and have them handed out. Upon completion of the fundraiser, I will collect the orders and money from the sale and turn in the order to Avon. When it gets back, the orders have to be sorted, bagged, and passed out to the participants to give to the customers. The fundraiser will be limited to the flyer(s) your group picks, but some of them include items exclusive to fundraising.

Are you ready?

Is your group or organization ready to hold an Avon fundraiser? If yes, contact me and we can get started. The hardest decision to make is going to be when to have it and for how long! I will be with you every step of the way, no matter which fundraiser you choose to do! I am here to help you and help your organization make as much as they can! 

For more information or to get a fundraiser started: Contact Me!

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