Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Everett The Singing Elephant

Decided this morning it was time to put my first video on my YouTube Channel. This little cutie came in yesterday, and is just sooooo adorable. Enjoy and if you're interested in buying him, you can do so here or use the link at the bottom of the video!

Monday, January 28, 2019

A Little Bit of College Hoops, A Little Bit of Avon

Warning: Some foul language.

UK vs. KU

Trying to watch the UK vs. KU basketball game tonight. The boys are doing better, but have a lot more room for improvement. What’s more annoying to me is having to listen to Jay Bilas all game. There is 13:10 to go in the second half, and I am so tired of him talking down about UK, well… tired of hearing him speak at all. I would so rather listen to Dicky V. Dicky may be annoying, but at least he’s honest about both teams.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Try It Before You Buy It!

Everyone likes to try stuff before they buy it. But can it be done for a business??? In a way you can! With an Avon Try It Kit, you can decide whether earning an extra $200-$500 a month is worth you jumping off the deep end and buying a Starter Kit!

Vendor Booths, Are They Worth Doing?

There is a question that comes up all the time in direct sales, handmade crafts, food services, etc. Is it worth doing vendor events in general or a specific vendor event? No matter how many people you ask, you will always get a different answer with a different explanation about why. The decision is truly up to you, the person who would be running the booth,  and only you.

I'm going to break down some of the basics that you need and may want to have, and what I usually do to figure out whether a event would be worth it or not.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

What's in the Works for Joining Avon!

New Avon is doing a lot of stuff for USA representatives right now, and some stuff for customers. You can learn more about some of those things in this post. But they decided they just couldn't leave out those who are thinking about becoming a new Avon Representative. Now, NONE of this information is official. They are letting bits and pieces out, but until Avon puts something in writing, this is all speculation and hear say.

Friday, January 18, 2019

What did you say? Avon is going digital?!

That's right folks. Avon has decided to step into the 21st century and offer you the opportunity to buy online and to sign up to sell online! Not only can you shop our online stores, you can browse our brochure online, and soon you will be able to sign up online to sell without having to wait on your kit and brochures to come in. While you have been able to sign up online, shop our online stores, and browse our brochures online for a while, Avon is now making it a point for us to make sure we get the word out there to let everyone know!

Wow, Look at the Time!

So I decided to check on things over here today, and realized it's been two weeks since I last wrote. Where did the time go?!

A lot has happened, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down any time soon either! Avon has come out with a LOT of new incentives, deals, and plans.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

New Year, New Me

Well, here we are. The holidays are finally over, but now it’s time for everyone to start “working” on their New Year’s resolutions. For some, it will go the same way it does every year: we have good intentions, but abandon them for the good old comfort of what they are use to. For some, they will get through the first couple of weeks, then decide what they wanted isn’t happening as fast as they wanted it to, then give up. Finally there are going to be those who stick with their resolutions either for themselves, their kids, or because their choices are do it or face something even harder. I plan on being part of the third group this year, after talking about it for so long.